Adding or Remove elements to DOM

  • Notes

    See video

    Adding new element

    using 'append()'

    eg 1: add some plain text
                        // using id
                        //using class
    eg 2: add some html elements
                        // using id
                        //using class

    in html

                          <table class="table table-bordered">
                                  <th class="text-center">Row Number</th>
                                  <th class="text-center">Remove Row</th>
                              <tbody id="tbody">
                          <button class="btn btn-md btn-primary" id="addBtn" type="button">
                            Add new Row
                          <button class="btn btn-md btn-primary" id="removeBtn" type="button">
                            Remove row
    we must have a reference container for appending element. Here id="tbody" is reference container.

    in jquery

                  $('#addBtn').on('click', function () {  
                    // Adding a row inside the tbody.
    1. when we click on 'id="addBtn"' button, elment is appended to container id="tbody"
    2. $('#tbody').append() is using for appending the element.

    Removing elements

    using remove()

    eg 1: remove using tag name
    eg 2: remove using reference class
    eg 3: remove using this

    in html

                      <button class="btn btn-md btn-primary" id="removeBtn" type="button">
                            Remove row

    in jquery

                      $('#removeBtn').on('click', function () {  
                        // Adding a row inside the tbody.