• 1. Note

    Following technologies are used to develop a website UI.

    1. Html
    2. Css
    3. Javascript

    1. HTML

    HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used for creating Web pages.

    1. Using html, we give instructions to the browser where to place the content

         Eg: place the content/images at top, bottom, left , right

    2. Using HTML, we give instructions to the browser in which format to show the content.

            Eg: paragraph format, table format, list format

    3. Presenting image, video

    4. Navigating one page to another page

    5. Data entry form

    2. CSS

    Using css, we give the instructions to the browser how to show the content.

           Eg : font family, font size, font colour , background color etc

    3. Javascript

    1. Using javascript, we give instructions to the browser what action should be taken.

           1. Validate the form inputs when pressing the submit button
           2. Ajax request
           3. Add or remove dom elements

    2. Animations

    3. Local storage (store in browser)