Django Framework / Models / where
1. Example models
1. models
class Customer(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(max_length=255) last_name = models.CharField(max_length=255) email = models.EmailField(unique=True) def __str__(self): return f"{self.first_name} {self.last_name}" class Category(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) def __str__(self): return class Product(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) description = models.TextField() price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2) category = models.ForeignKey(Category, related_name='products', on_delete=models.CASCADE) stock = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) def __str__(self): return -
2. where condition
1. Basic where
product= Product.objects.filter(name="Smartphone") Output :
'SELECT "product"."id", "product"."name", "product"."description", "product"."price", "product"."category_id", "product"."stock" FROM "product" WHERE "product"."name" = \'Smartphone\ 2. Multiple where
# 1. AND (2 ways) Emp.objects.filter(age=28,name="Ava Martinez") Emp.objects.filter(Q(age=28) & Q(name="Ava Martinez")) # 2. OR Emp.objects.filter(Q(age=28) | Q(name="Ava Martinez")) # 3. NOT Emp.objects.filter(~Q(age=28)) -
1. Contains (substring search):
name__containsis a field lookup that checks for the presence of the substring "art" anywhere in the name field, regardless of its position. “art” in their name, such as “Smartphone,” “Artisan,” or “Cart.”
Product.objects.filter(name__contains="art") Output:
2. Starts with:'SELECT "product"."id", "product"."name", "product"."description", "product"."price", "product"."category_id", "product"."stock" FROM "product" WHERE "product"."name" LIKE \'%art%\' name__startswith : It returns a queryset containing all products whose names start with “T,” such as “Tablet,” “TV,” or “T-shirt.”
Product.objects.filter(name__startswith="T") Output:
3. Ends with:'SELECT "product"."id", "product"."name", "product"."description", "product"."price", "product"."category_id", "product"."stock" FROM "product" WHERE "product"."name" LIKE \'T%\' name__endswith : It returns a queryset containing all products whose names end with “top,” such as “Laptop,” “Desktop,” or “Teapot.”
Product.objects.filter(name__endswith="top") Output:
'SELECT "product"."id", "product"."name", "product"."description", "product"."price", "product"."category_id", "product"."stock" FROM "product" WHERE "product"."name" LIKE \'%top\' -
4. Comparison : > , <
1. Greater than
Product.objects.filter(price__gt=199) Output:
2. Less than:'SELECT "product"."id", "product"."name", "product"."description", "product"."price", "product"."category_id", "product"."stock" FROM "product" WHERE "product"."price" > \'199\' Product.objects.filter(price__lt=199) -
Product.objects.filter(stock__range=(50, 200)) Output:
2. NOT BETWEEN'SELECT "product"."id", "product"."name", "product"."description", "product"."price", "product"."category_id", "product"."stock" FROM "product" WHERE "product"."stock" BETWEEN 50 AND 200 # filter records that do not have an ID in the range of 1 to 3 Emp.objects.filter(~Q(id__range=(1,3))) -
6. IN / NOT IN
2. NOT IN OPERATOR# fetch objects that have age value 25, 28, or 30 Emp.objects.filter(age__in=[25,28,30]) Product.objects.exclude(category_id=1) Output:
'SELECT "product"."id", "product"."name", "product"."description", "product"."price", "product"."category_id", "product"."stock" FROM "product" WHERE NOT ("product"."category_id" = 1) # fetch objects that do not have age value 25, 28, 30 Emp.objects.exclude(age__in=[25,28,30]) -
7. Pattern matching
# STARTS WITH CASE SENSITIVE Emp.objects.filter(name__startswith="J") # STARTS WITH CASE INSENSITIVE # i ignores casing Emp.objects.filter(name__istartswith="j") # ENDS WITH CASE SENSITIVE Emp.objects.filter(name__endswith="e") # CONTAINS # checks for 'doe' in name irrespective of the case Emp.objects.filter(name__icontains='doe') # IS NULL Emp.objects.filter(age__isnull=True) # IS NOT NULL Emp.objects.filter(age__isnull=False)