
  • Features
    1Project 1: Traveling App UI Design

    1. screen background color : scaffoldBackgroundColor

    2. background image : Container() -> decoration -> image

    3. round edges box : Container() -> decoration -> borderRadius

    4. navigation : InkWell() -> onTap

    5. shadow box : Container() -> decoration -> boxShadow

    6. listing : ListView.builder

    7. scrollable screen : SingleChildScrollView() or ListView()

    8. looping : for loop

    9. curved bottom nav bar : CurvedNavigationBar()

    2Project 2: Traveling App UI Design

    1. multi style text : RichText()

    2. button : GestureDetector()

    3. tab listing : TabBar() or TabBarView()

    4. variable pass to widget PopularItem()

    5. show overlay elements : Stack()

    3Project 3 : Form1 : widgets

    1. reusable widgets

    2. input fields : TextFormField(), Radio(),

    4 Project 4: Form2 : widgets

    1. reusable widgets

    2. input fields : DropdownButton(), Radio(),

    5 * Project 5: Landing Page2 - bg image using stack()

    1. stack()

    6 * Project 6: Listing Page1 with  searchbox

    1. ListTile()

    7* Project 7 : Profile Page1

    1. Scrolling: SingleChildScrollView()

    2. Icons: CupertinoIcons()

    3. Image: ClipRRect() ->

    8Project 8: Home Page1

    1. data using model

    9 Project 9 : Details Page1

    1. stack()

    10 Project 10 : UI Quiz

    1. stack() in APP Bar

    2. CircleAvatar

    3. Card()

    4. PageView

    5. RadioListTile

    11 Project 11 : UI Profile

    1. List.generate

    2. ListView.separated

    12 Project 12 : UI ModalBottomSheet

    1. showModalBottomSheet

    2. List.generate

    13 Project 13 : UI Cart

    1. Cart UI : Plus, minus and remove option

    14 Project 14 : Google font

    1. google font

    15 Project 15 : UI movie app

    1. CarouselSlider

    2. SliverAppBar

    3. AnimatedContainer

    16 Project 16 : UI Banking app

    1. fl_chart

    2. StatefulWidget

    17 Project 17 : Car Rental

    1. ListView.builder

    2. Stack inside another stack

    18 Project 18 : Ecommerce App 1

    1. BottomBar Action

    2. Stack

    19 Project 18 : Ecommerce App 2

    1. GridView.builder()

    2. curved shapes

    26 Project 26 : House Rent

    1. onTap event on tab ( Category listing)

    27 Project 27 : Ice Cream

    1. cart quantity add and minus click event

    28 Project 28 : Movie APP 1

    1. API call with future()

    2. FutureBuilder() -> return

    29 Project 29: Movie APP 2

    1. map and toList()

    30 Project 30: News App 1

    1. API call with async()