Port Enable and Open

  • Steps

    1. install ufw

                      sudo apt update
                      sudo apt install ufw
                      sudo ufw enable

    2. Enbale iptables

                      sudo iptables -A INPUT -p <protocol> --dport <port_number> -j ACCEPT
                      eg:    sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
    List the rules
                      sudo iptables -L

    3. Allow ports

                     sudo ufw allow <port_number>/<optional_protocol>
                     eg: sudo ufw allow 8080/tcp              
    Add port range
                    sudo ufw allow 50000:50100/tcp
    reload the ufw
                  sudo ufw reload
    Check status
                    sudo ufw status verbose

    4. check the port

                  telnet <IP_address> <port_number>
                  nmap -p <port_number>  <IP_address>