Resources in view page

  • Step

    1. inline style

                        export default function Home() {
                          return (
                                    <div style={ { color: "red" }}>test </div>
    { { }} is used for inline style

    2. link css file

    Create a css file in css/style.css
    link the css file in page layout app/about.tsx
                        import '../css/style.css'
    use the class
                        <div className="title">test </div>
    Complete code
    import '../css/style.css'
    export default function Home() {
      return (
                 <div className="title">test </div>

    3. using Module css

    Create module css file in css/Home.module.css
    .paragraph {
          font-size: 16px;
          text-align: center;
        .paragraph:hover {
          color: red;
    link the module css
      import styles from '../css/Home.module.css'
      <p className={styles.paragraph}>I am styled with CSS modules</p>
    Complete code
      import styles from '../css/Home.module.css'
       export default function Home() {
          return (
            <p className={styles.paragraph}>I am styled with CSS modules</p>

    4. image linking

    <img  src="assets/images/banner.png" >