
  • STEP
    Variable is a container used to store data

    Eg: An excel file name is a variable. It contains data

    1. Define variable or variable assignment


                    $variable_name = value;
    1. $ sign must be in front of the variable name
    2. = sign is for assigning the value to a variable

    2. read variables


    3. output the variable data into browser

                  echo $name;
                  echo $age;
                  echo $dob;
                  echo $english;
                  echo $malayalam;
                  echo $computer;
                  echo $maths;
                  echo $gk;

    4. Change the value of a variable


    5. Display the data user friendly

                                  echo  $name; 
                                  echo  $age; 
                                  echo  $dob; 