Multi Tag Input

  • Notes

    1. CSS

                    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{asset('public/app/fm.tagator.jquery.css')}">

    2. JS

                    <script src=""></script> 

    3. html

                    <input type="text" class="tagator" data-tagator-use-dimmer="true" data-tagator-autocomplete="['first', 'second', 'third']">


                        prefix: 'tagator_',           // CSS class prefix
                        height: 'auto',               // auto or element
                        useDimmer: false,             // dims the screen when result list is visible
                        showAllOptionsOnFocus: false, // shows all options even if input box is empty
                        allowAutocompleteOnly: false, // only allow the autocomplete options
                        autocomplete: []              // this is an array of autocomplete options
                    $('#inputBox').tagator('autocomplete', ['tag1','tag2','tag3']);