Remote Access to ubuntu server - using RDP


    1. Install xrdp on Ubuntu

                    sudo apt update
                    sudo apt install xrdp -y
    Check the status
                    sudo systemctl status xrdp

    2. Install Desktop Environment (UI)

                    sudo apt install xfce4

    3. Configure xrdp Port (Optional)

    Use a text editor, like nano, to edit the xrdp configuration file, xrdp.ini:
                  sudo nano /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
    Locate the port directive in the [Globals] section and set the desired value. In this example, the RDP port is 49952:

    Press Ctrl+X, followed by y, and then Enter to save the changes and exit the file. Restart the xrdp server to apply the changes:
    sudo systemctl restart xrdp

    4. Open a Port for Incoming Traffic in ufw

    Check the status of the ufw firewall:
    sudo ufw status
    If the firewall is inactive, use the following command to turn on ufw:
    sudo ufw enable
    Allow traffic on port 3389 or choose a different port for your RDP connection. The following command allows RDP connections on port 49952:
    sudo ufw allow 49952/tcp
    Reload the ufw firewall tool to apply the changes:
    sudo ufw reload

    5. Enable session

    sudo nano /etc/xrdp/
    add at the end of the above file
    export GNOME_SHELL_SESSION_MODE=ubuntu
    restart the machine
    sudo shutdown -r now

    5. Configure Remote Desktop Connection on Windows

  • Install Firefox Browser
                  sudo apt-get purge firefox
                  sudo apt-get install firefox
                  xdg-settings get default-web-browser