Working with tags


    Tag is applied when pushing the code to master

    1. create tags

                    # lightweight tag 
                    $ git tag v1.0
                    # annotated tag
                    $ git tag -a v1.0 -m "login"

    2. list of all tags

                    # list all tags
                    $ git tag
                    # list all tags with given pattern ex: v-
                    $ git tag --list 'v-*'

    3. delete tags

    Delete a local tag
                    $ git tag -d <tag_name>
                    Deleted tag <tag_name> (was 000000)
    Delete remote tags
                    # Delete a tag from the server with push tags
                    $ git push --delete origin <tag name>

    4. clone a specific tag

    Option 1:
                    # Update the local git repo with the latest tags from all remotes
                    $ git fetch --all
                    # checkout the specific tag
                    $ git checkout tags/<tag> -b <branch>
    Option 2
                    # Clone a specific tag name using git clone 
                    $ git clone <url> --branch=<tag_name>

    5. push tags

                    git push origin <tag_name>
                    git push --tags