Laravel / Model / Relation with two table
Two table relation
1. create Student & Comment model
2. add 'get_comment()' function in Student model and set relation to Comment model
2. add 'get_student()' function in Comment model and set relation to Student model
in Models/Student.php
namespace App\Models; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Student extends Model { public function get_comment() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Comment'); } } in Models/Comment.php
namespace App\Models; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Comment extends Model { public function get_student() { // return $this->belongsTo('Model', 'foreign_key', 'owner_key'); return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Student','student_id','id'); } } Get data in the controller
$student = Student::find(1); dd($student->get_comment); Fetching Students who have atleast 1 comment:
$student = Student::has('get_comment')->get(); dd($student); Fetching Students who doesn't have comments:
$student = Student::doesntHave('get_comment')->get(); dd($student); Fetching Students who have atleast 2 comments:
$student = Student::has('get_comment','>=',2)->get(); dd($student); Fetching a Student with all his/her comments in descending order:
$student = Student::where('id',1)->with(['get_comment' => function($query) { $query->orderBy('id','desc'); }])->get(); dd($student); Accessing only specific columns in a comment
Change the comment Models/Student to
public function get_comment() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Comment','student_id')->orderBy('id','desc'); } then the code to get only specific column on a relation
$student = Student::where('id',1)->with(['get_comment:id,student_id,comment'])->get(); foreach ($student as $comment){ dd($comment->get_comment); } Get a student with a specific condition in the comments table:
$student = Student::whereHas('get_comment',function($query){ $query->where('comment','like','%king%'); })->get(); dd($student); Get count of comments for each student
$student = Student::withCount('get_comment')->get(); dd($student); Get count of comments for each student order by comment_count desc
$student = Student::withCount('get_comment')->orderBy('comment_count','desc')->get(); dd($student); Get count of comments for each student with a specific critera
$student = Student::withCount(['get_comment' => function($query) { $query->where('comment','like','%king%'); }])->get(); dd($student);