New button to existing module

  • Step 1:
    Task is to add new button at the top


    1. add depends module

    2. add view xml

                    'depends' : ['hr', 'account'],
                    'data': [

    2. model

    1. add '_inherit'

    2. add new field

                    class HrEmployee(models.Model):
                         _inherit = 'hr.employee'
                        attachment_ids = fields.One2many('ir.attachment', 'id')

    3. view

                    <header position="inside">
                        <button name="action_create_invoice" type="object" class="btn btn-primary" string="Pay the Salary"/>
    Complete code of view
                            <record id="custom_hr_employee_form" model="ir.ui.view">
                                <field name="name">custom.employee.form.view</field>
                                <field name="model">hr.employee</field>
                                <field name="inherit_id" ref="hr.view_employee_form"/>
                                <field name="arch" type="xml">
                                    <field name="work_email" position="after">
                                        <field name="joining_date"/>
                                        <field name="salary_amount"/>
                                    <xpath expr="//page[@name='personal_information']" position="after">
                                        <page name="employ_documents" string="Employee Documents">
                                                <field name="attachment_ids"/>
                                    <header position="inside">
                                        <button name="action_create_invoice" type="object" class="btn btn-primary" string="Pay the Salary"/>

    Add action_create_invoice() in model

                def action_create_invoice(self):
    Complete code of model
                from odoo import models, fields, _
                from odoo.exceptions import UserError
                class HrEmployee(models.Model):
                    _inherit = 'hr.employee'
                    joining_date = fields.Date('Joining Date')
                    attachment_ids = fields.One2many('ir.attachment', 'id')
                    salary_amount = fields.Float('Salary')
                    def action_create_invoice(self):