Odoo / UI / Widgets
Step 1:
1. many2many_tags widget
The many2many_tags widget allows multiple selections of items.
.py - field_name = fields.Many2many('res.partner', string="many2many_tags") .xml - 2. many2many_checkboxes widget
The many2many_checkboxes widget displays a list of checkboxes
.py - field_name = fields.Many2many('res.partner', string="many2many_checkboxes") .xml - 3. Status bar widget
A sale order goes through different states. Other data may be used in an organization that usually goes through different states or stages.
state = fields.Selection(selection=[ ('draft', 'Draft'), ('in_progress', 'In Progress'), ('cancel', 'Cancelled'), ('done', 'Done'), ], string='Status', required=True, readonly=True, copy=False, tracking=True, default='draft') 4. Percentpie
The widget is used to display a progress chart of the process which can be obtained by using the code widget=’percentpie’.
5. Guage
Guage is a widget available which is similar to ‘Percentpie’ which can be obtained by using the code widget=’guage’.
6. Progressbar or Progress
The progress bar widget displays the progress of a process. Moreover we can Use the code widget=’progressbar’ to get the effect.
7. Handle
The handle widget is used to drag the line up and down. In addition, this widget is mainly applicable to the tree view and can be used by assigning the code widget=’handle’ to get the effect.
8. Many2many Binary
Many2many binary fields will provide you with an option to upload a file and view the preview of it. Moreover, the widget is available only for the binary fields which can be obtained by Using the code widget=’many2many_binary’
9. Selection
The selection widget displays a list of items. In addition, the effect can be attained by using the code widget=’selection’ and It is applicable only for ‘many2one’ field
10. Radio
The radio widget can be used to attain a button effect. Moreover we can use the code widget=’radio’ to get the radio button effect.
11. Float Time
The flot time widget can be attained by using the code widget=’float_time’. Furthermore, to have the widget in operation you have to define the field type as ‘float’.
12. Image
The image widget available is used for binary field operations and can be obtained by using the code widget=’image’.
13. Email
If we set the widget as ‘email’ for a character field the character will be displayed as an email link. Additionally when the user clicks on the data field it will redirect them to compose mail form. Moreover, we can use the code widget=’email’ to get the effect.
14. Phone
If we use the mobile application, then we can directly dial the number to the clipboard by using the code widget=’phone’.
15 .Monetary
The field allows the user to append currency with our amount which can be done by using the monetary widget. In addition, we can use the code widget=’monetary’ to get the monetary effect
16. URL
If we set the widget as URL for a character field the character will be displayed as a hyperlink. Furthermore the code widget=’url’ can be used to attain the effect.
17. Checkbox
The widget displays checkboxes allowing you to define checkboxes for opertison. Moreover we can use the widget=’checkbox’ code to get the effect.
18. Integer
A field set as the integer will allow only integer values to be entered. Furthermore we can use widget=’integer’ code to get the effect.
19. Date
The date widget will convert the DateTime field into the date field. Moreover we can use widget=’date’ code to get the following effect.
20 .Html
We can use the Html widget to get the following effect. Furthermore the code widget=’html’ will provide you with the operations.
21. Html Frame
We can use widget=’html_frame’ to get the HTML frame effect. Moreover it will provide the default frame for our field.
22. Priority
The priority widget is one of the useful tools of operations. Moreover, we can use widget=’priority’ to get the priority widget.
23. Boolean Button
The boolean button widget is useful to set toggle values for the field. Furthermore the code widget=’boolean_button’ can be used to get the field.
24. Statinfo
Use widget=’statinfo’ to get the following effect. The widget will display the count.