Laravel / Views / Recaptcha Integration
Recaptcha Integration
1. Generate recaptcha key
1. Goto
2. login with email id
3. enter domain name
4. get key and secret
2. Save key and secret in laravel .env
RECAPTCHA_KEY= RECAPTCHA_SECRET= 3. create the general.php file in config folder
return [ 'RECAPTCHA_KEY' => env('RECAPTCHA_KEY', ''), 'RECAPTCHA_SECRET' => env('RECAPTCHA_SECRET', ''), ]; 3. add a hidden field between the form tag for recaptcha token
4. add recaptcha script at the bottom of the page
5. call recaptcha function before submiting the form for token
grecaptcha.execute('{{config('general.RECAPTCHA_KEY')}}', { action: 'contact' }).then(function (token) { $('#recaptchaResponse').val(token); $("#verifyform").submit(); }); 1. grecaptcha.execute() call recapcha api and return a token
2. token set into hiden field recaptchaResponse
3. use form submit() inside the grecaptcha.execute(); (submit() call after the response from recaptcha())6. verify the recapta token in the controller
in the controller
public function verify(Request $r) { try{ //set recaptcha api $recaptcha_url = ''; $recaptcha_secret = config('general.RECAPTCHA_KEY'); //recaptcha token from the form (hidden field) $recaptcha_response = $input['recaptcha_response']; //verify recaptcha token using api $recaptcha = file_get_contents($recaptcha_url . '?secret=' . $recaptcha_secret . '&response=' . $recaptcha_response); $recaptcha = json_decode($recaptcha); //if token is correct, api return success=true if ($recaptcha->success == true) { $isVerified = true; } else { $isVerified = false; return redirect()->back(); } } catch(\Exception $e) { return redirect()->back(); } if($isVerified==true){ // write your code here BasicBooking::create($input); } //redirect to a route you want return redirect()->route('booking.preview'); }