Odoo / UI / New Theme
New Theme Integration
Step 1:
1. Basic set up
Create a basic theme module with odoo.py scaffold and the theme template: from the root Odoo folder, use
$ ./odoo.py scaffold -t theme "Dummy Theme" addons this should create a new folder dummy_theme in the addons directory with the structure:
addons/dummy_theme |-- __init__.py |-- __openerp__.py |-- static | `-- style | `-- custom.less `-- views |-- options.xml |-- pages.xml `-- snippets.xml static/style contains your stylesheet(s), views contains the various XML files describing the theme and theme features to Odoo.
2. Static Page
Creating a new template
Create a new file odoo/addons/theme_dummy/views/pages.xml and open it.
Comment the lines about options.xml and pages.xml in __openerp__.py.
Run the server and update the theme (./odoo.py -u dummy_theme), then install the theme in the settings menu.
Go to http://localhost:8069/page/hello feel the hit. 3. Editing content on a page
You can now add your content! You should always use the Bootstrap structure as below:
This is Your Content
Isn't amazing to edit everything inline?
Adding new item in the menu
Adding these few more lines will put the new page in your menu:
Hello /page/hello 20 styling with less
In odoo/addons/theme_dummy/static create a new folder and name it style. In the new folder odoo/addons/theme_dummy/static/style create a file and name it custom.less. Open custom.less in the text editor and modify these lines as below:
h1 { color: #215487; } span { border: 2px solid black; background-color: #eee; } Compile your file (http://lesscss.org/usage/#command-line-usage) to get the custom.css file.
Add this asset to your template in page.xml:
Easy layout with bootstrap
Open odoo/addons/theme_dummy/views/pages.xml and add a new section:
Build Your First Snippet
Open __openerp__.py and add a new line as below:
{ 'name': 'Dummy Theme', 'description': 'Dummy Theme', 'category': 'Website', 'version': '1.0', 'author': 'OpenERP SA', 'depends': ['website'], 'data': [ 'views/snippets.xml', ], 'application': True, } In odoo/addons/theme_learn/views create a new xml file, name it snippets.xml and open it in a text editor
Add your snippet in the menu
Before typing your html code, you need to locate it in the WEBb. drop-down menu. In this case, we will add it at the end of the Structure section:
Now open a new div, do not give it any id or classes. It will contain your snippet:
A thumbnail is also needed to create a more attractive link in the menu. You can use labels to focus on your themes snippets. Simply add a new div with the class oe_snippet_thumbnail and add your thumbnail image (100x79px):
Your new snippet is now ready to use. Just drag and drop it on your page to see it in action.
The snippet body
A snippet has to be in a section with the class oe_snippet_body to work correctly. As Odoo use the Bootstrap framework, you have use containers and rows to hold your content. Please refer the the Bootstrap documentation:
Inside your fresh new row, add some bootstraped contents:
A great Title
And a great subtitle too
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Adding images to your snippet
Put your images in odoo/addons/theme_dummy/static/img, or in sub-folders if needed. Open odoo/addons/theme_dummy/static/style/custom.less, add these lines
@img-01: url("../img/img-boy.png"); .dummy-boy { background-image: @img-01; } @img-02: url("../img/img-girl.png"); .dummy-girl { background-image: @img-02; } In odoo/addons/theme_dummy/views/pages.xml change the correspondant lines as below:
A great Title, prmize
And a great subtilte too
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Your new snippet is now ready to use. Just drag and drop it on your page to see it in action.